Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weight Loss..

It's that time again, the time when I try to keep a blog!

Well after suffering with gall stones, I now have a vauge timescale for my operation - still waiting for an actual date - but it's around 4 to 6 weeks from now (if the docs are to be believed)

At 22+ stones obviously I'm a huge risk regarding the anasthetic. So I had to do something, so re-committed myself to Slimming World, three weeks ago.

So far so good, I've been really good and went below 22 stone at my weigh in on Tuesday! Yaay! Also got my half stone award, slimmer of the week, and won the raffle! - clean sweep! lol

Also haven't had a gall stone attack for over 4 weeks now, so I think all the prayers are working, if this keeps up then I will insist on another scan to check if I still have them before I let them loose on me with the knife, as I have no doubt that God can cure me!

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Finally Up And Running!

I've had this blogspot a VERY long time, can't remember exactly how long, but i'm pretty sure I had it before I met my husband, so that would put it at least 7 years ago! But I've never before actually got around to doing anything with it.. so i thought it was time!


Nightmare socks...

Nightmare socks...
And i've knitted two pairs!