Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Two piles of Grossness no long in my body!

My mini target for my weightloss this week was 3lb, I achieved 2lb, which initially I was a little disapointed over, but when I look at this picture of 1 lb of fat, and think that there is twice as much as that gone from my body, how can I be disapointed?!

So, yes, I'm happy :)

I didn't cheat this week, I did have a small blip in what I ate yesterday when we went down to Bedford to see Mikes family. My mother-in-law had done a great job in providing low fat 'weight watchers' food, but it wasn't easy to calculate syns, I was good though I ate the filling from the quiche but fed the pastry to the dog (dog thought it was Christmas!), but also succumbed to a few mini sausages, and mini fahitas, which may well have put me over my syns for the day - I didn't have any other syns for the rest of the day, but was feeling a bit hungry later, and filled up on free yoghurts, and fruit - which is fine, but goes to show that bad food makes you want more food!

Anyway I'm still over the moon! if I was to average 2lb a week weightloss I'd be 8 stone lighter this time next year and that is awesome!

*hugs & blessings*

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Finally Up And Running!

I've had this blogspot a VERY long time, can't remember exactly how long, but i'm pretty sure I had it before I met my husband, so that would put it at least 7 years ago! But I've never before actually got around to doing anything with it.. so i thought it was time!


Nightmare socks...

Nightmare socks...
And i've knitted two pairs!