Did another session of Zumba yesterday afternoon with TJ - she is SO good at it and keeps going for AGES!
We had home made burgers, with low fat cheese slice, lettuce, tomato, mushroom, and beetroot, and slimming world chips for dinner last night - all free! Well the cheese was my HEX A, and the bun HEX B, so free for me, but Mike had already had is A & B so it was pretty syn intensive for him, about 9 I think.
Was feeling a bit overheated after dinner, so given the nice day we had TJ and I decided to have a quick dip in the pool... brrr.. however nice a day it has been, an outdoor unheated pool is COLD on 1st September! lol It served it's purpose though and cooled us down :)
Had a nice hour of 'family game night' on the Xbox before TJ's storytime, love snuggling up for story time for half hour before she goes to bed, and even though she's now 9 she still enjoys it, hope it lasts for a long time to come!
Did another session of Zumba this morning, only about 10 minutes, but i'm sure it's burning more calories than my half hour of swimming/cross training did!
had a big breakfast this morning, but all free (except for the 1 syn worth of tom ketchup!)
Friday, September 02, 2011
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Gap in posting, but not in living!
Haven't posted for a while, but I've still been keeping up with everything!
The swimming, and cross-training have stopped.. it's just TOO cold for swimming and cross-trainer is sooooooooo boring!
But they've both been replaced with ZUMBA!!! lol
So far I'm not doing as long Zumbaing (that a word?) as I was swimming and cross training, but I feel I'm getting a LOT more out of it. In fact I have declared that our heating isn't going on this winter, anyone complains about being cold they get to do ten mins ZUMBA! I'm so hot when I finish - literally BURNING calories! I'm doing it on the x-box with the help of the kinect, and so far I haven't even mastered the tutorial on the basic steps! But I'm having lot's of fun!
Weigh in on Tuesday was a bit mixed emotions, only lost 1lb, which I can't really understand as I'm not cheating at all. BUT that lb took me to my stone award! yaay! really happy. That is a stone since April, which is when i re-joined SW, but 1 stone 9lb since February!
I don't have a picture of my 1 stone award yet, as I couldn't stay for IMAGE therapy after my weigh in this week, so my consultant said she'll give it me next week - she likes presenting stickyfoots!
Anyway, since I recommitted myself to SW just over a month ago, I've not had a week where I haven't lost SOMETHING, so overall I'm very pleased :)
The swimming, and cross-training have stopped.. it's just TOO cold for swimming and cross-trainer is sooooooooo boring!
But they've both been replaced with ZUMBA!!! lol
So far I'm not doing as long Zumbaing (that a word?) as I was swimming and cross training, but I feel I'm getting a LOT more out of it. In fact I have declared that our heating isn't going on this winter, anyone complains about being cold they get to do ten mins ZUMBA! I'm so hot when I finish - literally BURNING calories! I'm doing it on the x-box with the help of the kinect, and so far I haven't even mastered the tutorial on the basic steps! But I'm having lot's of fun!
Weigh in on Tuesday was a bit mixed emotions, only lost 1lb, which I can't really understand as I'm not cheating at all. BUT that lb took me to my stone award! yaay! really happy. That is a stone since April, which is when i re-joined SW, but 1 stone 9lb since February!
I don't have a picture of my 1 stone award yet, as I couldn't stay for IMAGE therapy after my weigh in this week, so my consultant said she'll give it me next week - she likes presenting stickyfoots!
Anyway, since I recommitted myself to SW just over a month ago, I've not had a week where I haven't lost SOMETHING, so overall I'm very pleased :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Two piles of Grossness no long in my body!

So, yes, I'm happy :)
I didn't cheat this week, I did have a small blip in what I ate yesterday when we went down to Bedford to see Mikes family. My mother-in-law had done a great job in providing low fat 'weight watchers' food, but it wasn't easy to calculate syns, I was good though I ate the filling from the quiche but fed the pastry to the dog (dog thought it was Christmas!), but also succumbed to a few mini sausages, and mini fahitas, which may well have put me over my syns for the day - I didn't have any other syns for the rest of the day, but was feeling a bit hungry later, and filled up on free yoghurts, and fruit - which is fine, but goes to show that bad food makes you want more food!
Anyway I'm still over the moon! if I was to average 2lb a week weightloss I'd be 8 stone lighter this time next year and that is awesome!
*hugs & blessings*
Weigh in day : Part One - Hubby's Weigh in
Well for the last two weeks, Mike, my husband has also been following the Slimming World plan, he doesn't come to group with me, but Iweigh him at home every Tuesday morning. Well he stepped on the scales this morning, and has lost an amazing 5 1/2 lb!!! Making an impressive 9lb over 2 weeks!! I shall be making him his half stone award later today!
I'm so proud of him!
I was up at 6am for my excercise regime this morning. I am going to stop whinging about the temperature of the water at that time of the morning, unless otherwise stated you can read "It was FLIPPIN COLD" as a matter of default!
I did 15 minutes on the trainer and 20 minutes swim, the time certainly passes faster listening to UCB UK as I work :)
No robin came to see me this morning, though there was definitely a bird twittering at me from the tree, not sure if it was the robin, as I couldn't see it, and have no idea what sound a robin makes - I must look that up! Maybe it was just a sparrow mad at me for making so much noise.
Talking of which I'm half expecting some complaint from neighbours about music at that time of the morning, especially when it's been a warm night and people are sleeping with their windows open! I do keep it fairly low - just loud enough for me to hear in the pool, so hopefully I'm not disturbing the peace too much.
Well I'm off to prepare for my weigh in - don't expect to do better than hubby, men do lose faster than women after all, but so long as I get a loss I'll be happy. I had a little bit of a blip yesterday too. But I'll blog more about that in my next post!
*hugs & blessings*
I'm so proud of him!
I was up at 6am for my excercise regime this morning. I am going to stop whinging about the temperature of the water at that time of the morning, unless otherwise stated you can read "It was FLIPPIN COLD" as a matter of default!
I did 15 minutes on the trainer and 20 minutes swim, the time certainly passes faster listening to UCB UK as I work :)
No robin came to see me this morning, though there was definitely a bird twittering at me from the tree, not sure if it was the robin, as I couldn't see it, and have no idea what sound a robin makes - I must look that up! Maybe it was just a sparrow mad at me for making so much noise.
Talking of which I'm half expecting some complaint from neighbours about music at that time of the morning, especially when it's been a warm night and people are sleeping with their windows open! I do keep it fairly low - just loud enough for me to hear in the pool, so hopefully I'm not disturbing the peace too much.
Well I'm off to prepare for my weigh in - don't expect to do better than hubby, men do lose faster than women after all, but so long as I get a loss I'll be happy. I had a little bit of a blip yesterday too. But I'll blog more about that in my next post!
*hugs & blessings*
Monday, August 15, 2011
Early Start!
Well, knowing I've got a busy day today, the alarm was set for 5am! I positively leapt out of bed and onto the trainer - yes really, I'm not kidding!
Didn't feel quite so energetic after 15 mins of working out though, but still I did it! Then into the pool and swam for 20 minutes! Take note anyone thinking of following my example - an unheated outdoor pool is COLD at 5.30am!
I will really miss the pool when the autumn/winter comes, but will cross that bridge when we get to it.
I've made a friend while swimming too. The last few of mornings I've been joined by a little robin readbreast, the first day, he just flew over me as I was swimming, paused for a second on the fence then flew off, yesterday he stayed for a few mins, but today he sat on the fencepost watching me for almost the entire time!
Breakfasted on God's harvest of plums again this morning. God is so good to me! Since I asked for his help I've had no cravings for chocolate at all! Even though the main reason I opted for this plan was because if I choose to I can still eat chocolate!
Thank you Lord.
*hugs & blessings*
Didn't feel quite so energetic after 15 mins of working out though, but still I did it! Then into the pool and swam for 20 minutes! Take note anyone thinking of following my example - an unheated outdoor pool is COLD at 5.30am!
I will really miss the pool when the autumn/winter comes, but will cross that bridge when we get to it.
I've made a friend while swimming too. The last few of mornings I've been joined by a little robin readbreast, the first day, he just flew over me as I was swimming, paused for a second on the fence then flew off, yesterday he stayed for a few mins, but today he sat on the fencepost watching me for almost the entire time!
Breakfasted on God's harvest of plums again this morning. God is so good to me! Since I asked for his help I've had no cravings for chocolate at all! Even though the main reason I opted for this plan was because if I choose to I can still eat chocolate!
Thank you Lord.
*hugs & blessings*
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The broom is stronger than the baseball bat...

Out of darkness cometh light
Ok I'm a plagurist! The title of this post 'borrowed' from my pastor who used it as part of our service this morning, and the subtitle is the city motto of Wolverhampton.
Both of which describe this photo perfectly! (wonder how many of you can spot me on there?)
Wednesday morning after the events of Tuesday night all these people, and more could be seen in Wolverhampton city centre helping to clean up the city. Must admit there was little to do to be honest, our council had been very efficient in cleaning the worst of the mess, leaving us mainly to help out the shopkeepers. It was really nice to be appreciated, and they were very touched.
The light was certainly coming out from the darkness that morning!
After watching videos of how Wolverhampton police dealt with the rioters, I think most of the people of the city, have a new respect for them. Following many of them on twitter this week I've found many of them doing far more beat duty - not only for reassurance to the public but as a matter of neccessity having to walk off all the cake and chocolates they have been given by way of thanks!
To all the police officers, and their families, who give them up for our safety, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU.
*hugs & blessings*
All records broken!
Woke up late this morning, usualy I'm up by 6.30am at the latest - I prefer 6 or even earlier - being Sunday I like to wake up even earlier, to get everything done and TJ up and dressed, before picking up my grandson and off to church.
Well this morning I didn't wake until gone 7am! Normally I'd have used this as an excuse not to do any excercise, but no, I lay for another 20 mins deciding what excercise to do! When I first started using the cross trainer (gazelle), my legs were aching terribly the next day, so I decided to alternate between that and swimming, I had used it yesterday, but my legs seemed ok as I lay there. So I made the decision, trainer, then a quick plunge in the pool to cool of! Cutting the story short as I'm still running late this morning! I ended up doing 15 minutes of trainer followed by 15 minutes of swimming!
Really pleased!
Well this morning I didn't wake until gone 7am! Normally I'd have used this as an excuse not to do any excercise, but no, I lay for another 20 mins deciding what excercise to do! When I first started using the cross trainer (gazelle), my legs were aching terribly the next day, so I decided to alternate between that and swimming, I had used it yesterday, but my legs seemed ok as I lay there. So I made the decision, trainer, then a quick plunge in the pool to cool of! Cutting the story short as I'm still running late this morning! I ended up doing 15 minutes of trainer followed by 15 minutes of swimming!
Really pleased!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Weight Loss..

It's that time again, the time when I try to keep a blog!
Well after suffering with gall stones, I now have a vauge timescale for my operation - still waiting for an actual date - but it's around 4 to 6 weeks from now (if the docs are to be believed)
At 22+ stones obviously I'm a huge risk regarding the anasthetic. So I had to do something, so re-committed myself to Slimming World, three weeks ago.
So far so good, I've been really good and went below 22 stone at my weigh in on Tuesday! Yaay! Also got my half stone award, slimmer of the week, and won the raffle! - clean sweep! lol
Also haven't had a gall stone attack for over 4 weeks now, so I think all the prayers are working, if this keeps up then I will insist on another scan to check if I still have them before I let them loose on me with the knife, as I have no doubt that God can cure me!
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Finally Up And Running!
I've had this blogspot a VERY long time, can't remember exactly how long, but i'm pretty sure I had it before I met my husband, so that would put it at least 7 years ago! But I've never before actually got around to doing anything with it.. so i thought it was time!
Nightmare socks...

And i've knitted two pairs!