Monday, August 15, 2011

Early Start!

Well, knowing I've got a busy day today, the alarm was set for 5am! I positively leapt out of bed and onto the trainer - yes really, I'm not kidding!

Didn't feel quite so energetic after 15 mins of working out though, but still I did it! Then into the pool and swam for 20 minutes! Take note anyone thinking of following my example - an unheated outdoor pool is COLD at 5.30am!

I will really miss the pool when the autumn/winter comes, but will cross that bridge when we get to it.

I've made a friend while swimming too. The last few of mornings I've been joined by a little robin readbreast, the first day, he just flew over me as I was swimming, paused for a second on the fence then flew off, yesterday he stayed for a few mins, but today he sat on the fencepost watching me for almost the entire time!

Breakfasted on God's harvest of plums again this morning. God is so good to me! Since I asked for his help I've had no cravings for chocolate at all! Even though the main reason I opted for this plan was because if I choose to I can still eat chocolate!

Thank you Lord.

*hugs & blessings*

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Finally Up And Running!

I've had this blogspot a VERY long time, can't remember exactly how long, but i'm pretty sure I had it before I met my husband, so that would put it at least 7 years ago! But I've never before actually got around to doing anything with it.. so i thought it was time!


Nightmare socks...

Nightmare socks...
And i've knitted two pairs!