Thursday, September 01, 2011

Gap in posting, but not in living!

Haven't posted for a while, but I've still been keeping up with everything!

The swimming, and cross-training have stopped.. it's just TOO cold for swimming and cross-trainer is sooooooooo boring!

But they've both been replaced with ZUMBA!!! lol

So far I'm not doing as long Zumbaing (that a word?) as I was swimming and cross training, but I feel I'm getting a LOT more out of it. In fact I have declared that our heating isn't going on this winter, anyone complains about being cold they get to do ten mins ZUMBA! I'm so hot when I finish - literally BURNING calories! I'm doing it on the x-box with the help of the kinect, and so far I haven't even mastered the tutorial on the basic steps! But I'm having lot's of fun!

Weigh in on Tuesday was a bit mixed emotions, only lost 1lb, which I can't really understand as I'm not cheating at all. BUT that lb took me to my stone award! yaay! really happy. That is a stone since April, which is when i re-joined SW, but 1 stone 9lb since February!

I don't have a picture of my 1 stone award yet, as I couldn't stay for IMAGE therapy after my weigh in this week, so my consultant said she'll give it me next week - she likes presenting stickyfoots!

Anyway, since I recommitted myself to SW just over a month ago, I've not had a week where I haven't lost SOMETHING, so overall I'm very pleased :)

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Finally Up And Running!

I've had this blogspot a VERY long time, can't remember exactly how long, but i'm pretty sure I had it before I met my husband, so that would put it at least 7 years ago! But I've never before actually got around to doing anything with it.. so i thought it was time!


Nightmare socks...

Nightmare socks...
And i've knitted two pairs!