Friday, September 02, 2011


Did another session of Zumba yesterday afternoon with TJ - she is SO good at it and keeps going for AGES!

We had home made burgers, with low fat cheese slice, lettuce, tomato, mushroom, and beetroot, and slimming world chips for dinner last night - all free! Well the cheese was my HEX A, and the bun HEX B, so free for me, but Mike had already had is A & B so it was pretty syn intensive for him, about 9 I think.

Was feeling a bit overheated after dinner, so given the nice day we had TJ and I decided to have a quick dip in the pool... brrr.. however nice a day it has been, an outdoor unheated pool is COLD on 1st September! lol It served it's purpose though and cooled us down :)

Had a nice hour of 'family game night' on the Xbox before TJ's storytime, love snuggling up for story time for half hour before she goes to bed, and even though she's now 9 she still enjoys it, hope it lasts for a long time to come!

Did another session of Zumba this morning, only about 10 minutes, but i'm sure it's burning more calories than my half hour of swimming/cross training did!

had a big breakfast this morning, but all free (except for the 1 syn worth of tom ketchup!)

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Finally Up And Running!

I've had this blogspot a VERY long time, can't remember exactly how long, but i'm pretty sure I had it before I met my husband, so that would put it at least 7 years ago! But I've never before actually got around to doing anything with it.. so i thought it was time!


Nightmare socks...

Nightmare socks...
And i've knitted two pairs!