After having set up a load of maths work last night, immediately decided after all the yucky weather we've had there was no way we were sitting indoors pouring over pages of maths. It's very patient is maths, it'll still be there.
So being blessed with a beautiful canal right outside our back gate, we decided the ducks needed feeding and we'd walk an find where we ended up.
The ducks got a rude awakening - quite literally in one case, TJ threw bread to on who was sitting quietly on the bank looking the other way.. except her aim wasn't the best and instead of landing just infront of him as she intended, she managed to hit (gently) him! He wasn't best pleased and let us know by jabbering at us for the next five minutes non-stop!
As we walked down the canal throwing bread as we went we were followed by ducks, pigeons and sea-gulls alike.
As we walked under a bridge I couldn't believe what we saw, could this be the most unusual place for a yarn shop?
Unfortunately they'd only stopped to get some shopping, so weren't set up to sell, but they've told us where they will be set up at the weekend, so weather permitting a trip to Calf Heath may be in order!
We continued down the canal, and came to a small shop which sold canal themed souvenirs. We picked up a couple of models to make of old fashioned 'bargees' (canal people) and a canal horse, just need to colour them in and cut them out. Oh and we bought an ice cream of course!
Turning around we decided to make our way to the park on the way back for a fun 'PE lesson'
After that it was time to hurry home for lunch, as we had a very important appointment this afternoon - took my older daughter to hospital for her 20 week scan to find out we're expecting a second grandson!
This evening was off to church for a lovely meal with lovely friends, very yummy!
A really lovely day!
Sounds like you had a lovely day and the pics are gorgeous
Andrea x
Sounds like you had a marvellous time, hun, the weather was beautiful yesterday, but as it drains me very quickly, I think I will be sleeping most of the week, as its only going to get hotter!!
poor duck,lol
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