And running round!
There always seems to be so much running around these days!
Although I did manage to get a bit of a lay in yesterday morning. TJ had stayed at her big sisters Wednesday night, and I wasn't picking her up until 10.
Later was a trip to the pediatrist with my mom, and off to the cake shop courtesy of mom, while we waited - I was a good girl and didn't have cake! Very self-discilpined of me!
Got home from there to find an email from another home ed mom saying that the 'mathletics' online maths teaching system was being offered at just £10 for home educators, well I've had my eye on this system for ages, but the £40 they wanted previously was prohibitive - for anyone reading this who doesnt know, as home educators we get a grand total of ZERO financial help for education resources (or anything else for that matter) and have to pay for everything out of our own money. So I quickly signed up before they changed their mind!
TJ spent the next 3 hours 'playing'! totally of her own choice! If this keeps up she'll be taking her maths gcse before she's 10 lol! She really enjoys it! But I'm experienced enough at this lark now to know it may simply be the novelty of something new.
Yesterday evening saw me going off swimming with a good pal of mine, we managed 18 lengths each so we were very pleased with ourselves! My eldest son babysat for me - see the beauty of a big family, lots of babysitters!
When I got home TJ was in bed but not asleep as she'd wanted to wait for me to come home, I found her sitting up in bed reading. She's always enjoyed reading, but used to be have to told when its time to do some reading, however over the last couple of months more and more I've seen her choose to pick up a book of her own accord, with my own love of books this brings a big smile to my face!
Another thing that happened yesterday was that I received some books from a fellow home-ed mom, one of which is about 'The Duggers' A Home educating Christian family in USA - what makes them unusual is that they have 18... possibly 19 now children, and they've recently had their fist grandchild! I'm already halfway through the book - it is very inspirational!
Anyway I've picked up my grandson this morning and he's demanding Nanny's attention so who knows when today will be blogged.. hopefully not too long!
*hugs & blessings* to all reading this.